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OCTRA 2 – Online course catalogs and databases for transparency and recognition 2

project № 101101695 - OCTRA 2 – ERASMUS-EDU-2022-NARIC-IBA

The project

National Centre for Information and Documentation is a partner of the project “OCTRA 2 project “Online course catalogues and databases for transparency and recognition 2” This project is in the scope of Erasmus+ Programme, K3 activity “Support for Policy Reform” It is a follow-up project of OCTRA (2020-2022).

The leading partner that is implementing the project is Academic information center - Latvian ENIC-NARIC (Latvia), the other partners that take part in the project are: National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID), Bulgaria; NARIC Ireland; Polish ENIC/NARIC; Romanian ENIC/NARIC; Armenian ENIC/NARIC; ENIC of Bosnia and Hercegovina; BA School of Business and Finance (BASBF), Latvia, Council of Rectors of Latvia (LRC), Latvia.

Main goal

The project’s main aim is to explore further the role of online course catalogues of higher education institutions (HEI) in the project countries with a special focus on the micro-credentials in order to ensure support to HEIs in providing reliable information for recognition about higher education (HE) qualifications including micro-credentials that in future may facilitate their automatic recognition.

Specific objectives

The main objective of the project is to promote a dialogue between credential evaluators at ENICs and NARICs and HEIs by agreeing on a template for the structure of course catalogues, including smaller learning units (i.e. micro-credentials) that would guide to structured and transparent descriptions of HE qualifications.

Project duration

1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024

Project activities

  • To conduct a desk research to explore national practices, recommendations or approaches to micro-credentials and online course catalogues.
  • To improve and adapt the guidelines (designed in the previous project) on online course catalogues by agreeing on key elements of information for HE qualification and micro-credentials that are essential for course catalogues that would guide to structured and transparent reflection of HE qualifications and micro-credentials, as well as provide solutions for inclusion of micro- credentials in the online course catalogues.
  • strengthen the dialogue between HEIs and ENICS, NARICs, credential evaluators and other stakeholders involved in recognition (e.g. employers, students) on provision of reliable and unified information both on HE qualifications and micro-credentials

Project outcomes


POLAND - Peer learning 

Peer learning activity for ENIC/NARIC network “Online course catalogues reflecting study programmes, study courses and micro-credentials” was arranged on 20 March 2024 in Warsaw, Poland (hybrid format) by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). 

BULGARIA- National workshop

National online workshop was held on 29.05.2024 with participation of Bulgarian higher education institutions, Bulgarian professors, Bulgarian students and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science as well as NACID, regarding the use of micro-credentials in the universities programs for higher education within the International project OCTRA 2 – Online course catalogs and databases for transparency and recognition 2 (project № 101101695 - OCTRA 2 – ERASMUS-EDU-2022-NARIC-IBA). The participants were also informed about the first European online consultation on automatic mutual recognition, organized by the Council of Europe.  

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The purpose of the workshop was to present the results of the project up to now, including the studies conducted  via surveys and interviews with Bulgarian higher education institutions regarding the use of micro-credentials in their programs for higher education in Bulgaria, also to exchange experience gained in our country and to discuss challenges and opportunities identified as well as existing national and international initiatives.

Participants in the workshop were introduced with the project’s goals, deadlines and expected results, general and detailed information was presented, including concerning one of the two main documents of the project, the Comparative Report about the use of course catalogs and micro-credentials in the project partner countries.

The participants in the workshop had the opportunity to share their experience regarding micro-credentials, the benefits and opportunities of using them, the challenges associated with them, as well as to specify their ideas and recommendations for more effective implementation and use of micro-credentials in their higher education programs, which are supposed to be included in the Bulgarian part of the second project document, mainly Guidelines for improving course catalogs from the point of view of academic recognition, again with an emphasis on micro-credentials./p>

The panel discussion started with a  set of questions among representatives of Bulgarian higher education institutions and participants which aimed to provide them opportunity to sheare their point of view, including: existing practices for implementation of smaller learning units and microcredentials, challenges identified for broader implementation of microcredentials, reccomendations for resolving any challenges identified, specific university approaches for wider introducing of microcredentials, as well as information due to be publicly available on the university web sites about microcredentials, which would support their visibility, transparency and follow-up academic recognition.

The main positive conclusion was admitting the fact that the lack of national legislation is rather an advantage and not an obstacle for the implementation and use of micro-credentials in university programs for higher education.

On the other hand, one of the challenges mentioned was the lack of an appropriate state recognized document to play the role of a final qualification for micro-credentials among the existing set of educational documents in the system of higher education in Bulgaria, especially bearing in mind the fact that students, wishing to complete smaller learning units leading to micro-credentials, would expect to acquire a final micro-credential qualification which is recognized by the state.

Initially 44 participants registered for participation in the workshop, 33 of them took part, with 18 of them being representatives of Bulgarian higher education institutions.

The agenda of the workshop included also information on the results of the Council of Europe's first European online consultation on automatic mutual recognition with view of the growing importance of the topic Europe-wide. The was held with the participation of over 250 European higher education institutions on 15 March 2024 with presentation of the current state of the art and discussions, showing the points of view of the European universities on the advantages and challenges related to the possible application of automatic mutual recognition for the purpose of access to further education as set out in the Council Recommendation of 26 November 2018 (Council Recommendation on the promotion of the automatic mutual recognition of higher education and upper secondary qualifications and training qualifications and the results of periods of study abroad in 2018 ). The participants in the OCTRA-2 project workshop were informed about the progress on the concept of automatic mutual recognition as presented on the consultations, the existing challenges and measures to overcome them, as well as the point of view of European higher education institutions on the subject. Detailed information about the conducted European online consultation of the Council of Europe with higher schools from the European Higher Education Area is available here: (

The full agenda of the online national workshop was the following:

OCTRA 2 - Transparency and Recognition Online Program Catalogs and Database 2

project No. 101101695 - OCTRA 2 – ERASMUS - EDU -2022- NARIC - IBA

National workshop

Host: National Center for Information and Documentation (NACID) Chairman: Kostadin Tonev, Director of the Directorate "Academic Recognition and Regulated Professions" (NACID)

Time Topic
10:00 -10:05 Opening of the workshop - Ms. Vanya Grashkina, executive director of the National Center for Information and Documentation (NACID)
10:05 -10:15 Micro-credentials on the agenda of the Bologna Process - Ms. Ivana Radonova, representative of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Bologna Process Development Group BFUG, (MES)
10:15 -10:25 OCTRA 2 project: goals, activities and expected results - Kirilka Kirova, junior expert in the Directorate "Academic Recognition and Regulated Professions" (NACID)
10:25 - 10:55 OCTRA 2 Project: General Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations to Date: Comparative Report and Guidelines - Kostadin Tonev, Director of the Academic Recognition and Regulated Professions Directorate (NACID)
10:55 -11:05 OCTRA 2 Project: report on Bulgaria - Ani Metodieva, senior expert in the Directorate "Academic Recognition and Regulated Professions" (NACID)
11:05 -12:05 Discussion about existing practices, challenges, recommendations for overcoming them and approaches for the wider use of micro-credentials from the Bulgarian point of view higher schools - led by: Kostadin Tonev, Director of the Directorate "Academic Recognition and Regulated Professions" (NACID)
12:05 -12:15 First pan-European consultations of the Council of Europe with higher education institutions on mutual automatic recognition, March 15, 2024 - Boryana Yanakieva, chief expert in the Directorate "Academic Recognition and Regulated Professions" (NACID)
12:15 Closing the workshop
Comparative Report 2 Comparative Report
Online course catalogues and databases for transparency and recognition


Project partners

Logos and Information
Logo AIC Academic Information Centre, Latvia
Logo NACID National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID), Bulgaria
Logo QQI Quality and Qualifications Ireland, Ireland
Logo NAWA Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej (NAWA), Poland
Logo CNRED National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas, Romania
Logo ARMENIC National Information Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility, Armenia
Logo CIP Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (CIP), Bosnia and Hercegovina
Logo BASBF BA School of Business and Finance (BASBF), Latvia
Logo LRC Council of Rectors of Latvia (LRC), Latvia